Saturday, April 11, 2009

I've been sick this week, hiding underneath my sleeping bag, laying on the couch for days. The kids have gotten used to fending for themselves. Sure, I've gotten up to make a few meals, wash the dishes and cook up a strong pot of soup. Because of sheer exhaustion, coupled by a paradoxical case of insomnia, I feel as if I have reached some new threshold of mothering. Yesterday afternoon I had to get out of the house. My husband and the kids lit a small fire outside. I laid down on the grass to watch the clouds roll by and listen to the twilight bird songs. I wish I had a week off from mothering, in full health!

With this incredible amount of 'free time' to get better, I've been rereading piles of favorite books: anything written or illustrated by Barbara Cooney, David Wiesner's visual journey's and
Charlotte and David Yue's series on various Native American tribes. I set up a short playlist of favorite Ray Charles songs: "Busted", "It's Not Easy Being Green", and "Ring of Fire". This too shall pass, and soon I will be back in good health.

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